High School 101 - Provided Resources
High School 101 Master Manual

The comprehensive manual includes a day-by-day schedule for each of the ten (10) micro-units. All micro-unit activities are explained in detail and all corresponding reproducible handouts are provided. Multiple teachers within a single school may reproduce the information contained in the High School 101 Master Manual for their use.
High School 101 Mini-Manuals
Each High School 101 package will include ten (10) High School 101 Mini-Manuals - one for each of the ten micro-units. These copyrighted mini-manuals may be reproduced for use by multiple teachers within the same school.
Teenagers Preparing for the Real World
Each High School 101 package will include two complete class sets of materials - 50 Student Books, two Teacher's Guides (reproducible), one Reading Comprehension Test (reproducible), and two 'Chad Foster Live' motivational Student Presentation DVD's. For use with micro-unit #1. www.chadfoster.com
KTS®-II Personality Inventory
Each High School 101 package will contain passwords for 400 students to take an electronic version of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II (Student Version). This unique tool measures students' personality temperament and assess how specific temperaments will impact success in a variety of workplace environments. Each student will receive their own customized report. For use with micro-unit #2. www.AdvisorTeam.com
Financial Literacy for Teens
Each High School 101 package will include two complete class sets of materials - 50 Student Books, two Teacher's Guides (reproducible), one Reading Comprehension Test (reproducible), and two 'Chad Foster Live' motivational Student Presentation DVD's. For use with micro-unit #10.
For more information please send email to chadwfoster@att.net or call (706) 342-9189.