Sample Chapter #5

Chapter #1 Chapter #2 Chapter #3 Chapter #4 Chapter #5

The Bottom Lines

Just about every message in life has a bottom line. When it comes to financial literacy – making, managing, multiplying, and protecting your money – there are several bottom lines. It’s your money so it’s up to you, but here are a few things I’ve learned about almost all financially successful people.

Financially Successful People:

1. Worked part-time as teenagers
2. Have a career that they enjoy
3. Understand the difference between needs and wants
4. Learned how to save money at an early age
5. Understand how to make money while they sleep
6. Developed good spending habits before they had big bucks
7. Pay the total balance of their credit card bills every month
8. Protect what they own with insurance
9. Realize that there are no real “get rich quick” schemes
10. Recognize the need to live within their means on a budget
11. Give away money to people in need

Chapter #1 Chapter #2 Chapter #3 Chapter #4 Chapter #5

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