Chad Foster is one of America’s most sought-after speakers in the arena of student motivation. Chad is a powerful story-teller and he is the ‘right’ messenger for students when it comes to making, managing, multiplying, and protecting their hard earned money. Chad’s nationally-acclaimed ‘live’ presentation has been captured on camera and is now available on this high energy 36-minute DVD.
Fact #1 We are in the midst of a financial crisis in America. Primary responsibility for this crisis rests with a generation of adults who are not financially literate and therefore have repeatedly made poor financial decisions. Adults who do not understand the difference between needs and wants. Adults who spend money they don’t have on material things they don’t need. Adults who are trying to live way beyond their means with credit card debt. Adults who are buying houses with mortgage loans they cannot afford to repay. Adults who are driving cars they shouldn’t be buying.
Fact #2 The millions of adults who have been making these horrible financial choices day after day are the same adults who are the parents of, and therefore serve as role models for, millions of teenagers who are soon to be faced with many of those same financial choices in their own lives. The vicious cycle must be stopped.
This crisis is about to spiral out of control if students are not exposed to engaging, relevant, and timely messages on the subject of financial literacy.
Chad Foster is the best-selling author of Financial Literacy for Teens The teen’s guide to the real world of money. Chad’s nationally-acclaimed book has been read by more than 300,000 students and is used in 2,500 classrooms nationwide.
Share Chad’s powerful messages with your students as part of the Financial Literacy for Teens short-course or use the motivational DVD as a stand-alone resource for your students.
DVD messages:
- needs vs. wants
- insurance essentials
- identity theft
- credit-card debt
- secrets to saving
- investing
Share these timely and critical messages with your students TODAY! Break the cycle of financial illiteracy.
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