The value of any education is greatly diminished if it does not include 21st century skills. Students who are educated but
not prepared will fail when they enter the workplace and students who enter the workplace with knowledge, but without skills, will struggle.
Chad Foster has spent the past 16 years creating and implementing critical 21st Century
Skills resources for students. Chad is the best-selling author of Teenagers Preparing for the Real World,
Financial Literacy for Teens, and Career Readiness for Teens. Chad's books have been read by more than one million students and his dynamic project-based curricula are used in 4,500 middle school and
high school classrooms nationwide. Chad's wit and engaging style of writing make him the
perfect messenger to share real world wisdom with students from all walks of life.
A former professional tennis player and successful entrepreneur, Chad is credited with developing and marketing the soft rubber playground surface seen on McDonald's Playlands worldwide. This best-selling author and successful entrepreneur, and for eight years, his own television show, Fly Fishing America, seen on ESPN.
Chad is passionate in his belief that students must be prepared, not just educated, if they want to succeed. His mission is clear… all students can be successful if we provide them with relevant knowledge and critical 21st century skills.
We hope you enjoy your time on this website. Please contact Chad at if you have any questions or need any additional information.